
VR training is always rapidly evolving. The Facilitate team is determined to research and provide you with information and resources to deliver the best possible training to your learners.

Information about Immersive Training


Onboarding Guides

Best Practice for Training in VR

Facilitate is taking a deep dive into scientific literature and shedding a light on many underlying questions around the training applications of VR through our free White-paper, Best Practices for Learning in VR.


Digital Experiential Training Ebook

Facilitate believes a new category of solutions is emerging; in this paper we introduce the Digital Experiential Training category. This new category of solutions is poised to resolve the compromises of current approaches and set a new standard for workplace training which is long overdue.

High vis person reading DET Book

XR Buyers Guide

XR Buyers Guide

There are a growing number of businesses implementing XR based training because they know that 'business as usual' doesn't cut it anymore. If you're thinking the same thing then you're in the right place to start. This guide will help you navigate the main aspects of sourcing an XR training solution for your organisation.

High vis person reading DET Book

Practical Guides to VR and Virtual Training

This material is a practical guide to implementing VR for workplace training and highlights the main considerations an L&D professional/department should consider. Although these guides were written with workplace training in mind, this material will be useful for all organisations who still have some fundamental questions about how VR would fit into their training programs.

Guide one

Part 1

This first part covers topics around the fundamentals of VR technology and training, and the signs VR training will suit an organisation.

Guide Two

Part 2

This second part covers the main components of a VR training solution and key considerations for these components.

Platform Tour Video

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