XR Buyers Guide - Why self-author?

XR Buyers Guide 2

Last week we looked at options for training content; now let's look at why self-authoring may be a good option for your organisation.

In this context, self-authoring refers to the internal capability to create training content for XR technologies (AR,VR, MR). Importantly, this means using tools which do not require specialist skill sets and can be used by the average L&D or operational training employee.

Main Considerations

  • Capability Development: Does your organization want to develop capability in XR training creation? If not, self-authoring may not be the best approach for you.
  • Tool Complexity: Beware of the distinction between 'Low Code' and 'No Code' tools. Low code generally means that some coding/software development is still required.
  • Content Specificity: How important is content specificity? Self-authoring provides the highest specificity, followed by engaging an agency. Off-the-shelf content is, by necessity, generic.
  • Cost: How important is cost? Self-authoring and off-the-shelf content are much cheaper than agency-built content. However, off-the-shelf content often lacks specificity and may not represent good value overall.
  • Scalability: How important is scalability? Agency-created content is difficult and costly to scale beyond a few use cases. Likewise, each off-the-shelf module would need to be purchased separately to build a library large enough to provide the breadth of content to cover the whole organization.

The Facilitate Approach

XR Buyers Guide - The Facilitate Approach 1

Facilitate is a true no-code self-authoring tool. We believe the self-authoring approach provides the best balance of low cost, high content specificity, and flexibility. As a result, the solution becomes highly scalable and can provide higher ROI than off-the-shelf or agency-created content.

Facilitate's drag & drop level of complexity means it's a tool that is extremely accessible and delivers value with a low learning curve.

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