XR Buyers Guide - What’s required to self-author?

Although self-authoring might make sense, this week we'll look at what's required to make this a viable way to obtain content.
What’s required to self-author?
Whilst developing an XR training creation capability requires an initial investment of effort, it is typically a lot less than initially thought. The usability and accessibility of good XR creation tools has reduced dramatically and the effort to learn a good creation tool is akin to learning to use an eLearn tool, like Articulate, for the first time.
Likewise, XR headsets are now as easy to use as the average smartphone. Ultimately, the return on this investment is likely to be very strong given the scalability and cost-effectiveness of self-authoring compared to engaging external providers or using substandard off-the-shelf content. Outlined below are some of the key requirements for self-authoring.
Main Considerations
- Look for a creation platform that provides a 'once-off' upskilling/enablement training and tools that are easy enough for the L&D team and SMEs to use.
- Be aware of solutions that require a costly 'service' component and provide service instead of enablement training.
- Given the implementation of new technology devices will be required, your IT team’s involvement is ideal from an early stage.
The Facilitate Approach
Facilitate's tools are designed specifically for lay people to use, thus opening the possibility of empowering SMEs and operational staff to create training.
Facilitate offers the Starter Pack: a structured enablement program aimed specifically at kick starting an internal capability to develop XR content.