XR Buyers Guide - Security

XR Buyers Guide - Security
No technology related buyers guide would be complete without mention of the key security related aspects; this week's post provides some food for thought here.

Consider your IT and data security policies early on and look for a vendor who is actively pursuing and improving their data security approach. Having access to a vendor's 'Trust Centre' can save time when shortlisting appropriate solutions.

Main Considerations

Cost and Value

  • If your planning to roll out XR headsets at scale, understand and align with IT/Security needs early on, as this will have bearing on vendor/solution selection.
  • Be clear about which security standards are a 'must have' in your organization for learning creation software (e.g. SOC2, ISO27001, etc).

The Facilitate Approach

XR Buyers Guide - The Facilitate Approach 7

Facilitate uses Microsoft Azure cloud infrastructure which provides a high level of data security and accessibility.

Facilitate undertakes regular penetration testing and is working toward SOC 2, ISO 270001 and GDPR accreditation.

Facilitate provides an 'Offline' mode, which allows for content to be pre-downloaded for learners in low network areas.

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